Sunday, May 19, 2024
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Cooper Martell

2012-10-30 00.24.04 2012-11-11 22.03.25
2012-11-12 18.09.24 2012-11-15 20.29.12
2012-11-17 11.18.04 2012-11-29 18.02.56
2012-11-21 08.28.40 2012-11-29 16.59.20
2013-01-06 17.41.06 486220 4462566374623 1394298693 n
UpDated 1-16-2013

Hello Sherry,

We hope you enjoyed the holidays! Here are some pictures of Cooper over
the past few months! He will be two in April, which is hard to
believe, but he still acts like he's 4 months old. He has so much
energy, but like I said before, he is turning into my little snuggle
bug more and more every day. He gets two 30 minute walks (at least)
everyday to burn off some of his energy. I actually think he could
walk for hours on end. He's developed his own little attitude and will
ignore you or give you the side eye when he doesn't want to listen to
you. Sometimes I get so mad at him, but can't stay mad long because he
is so cute. We had quite the time over the holidays with the Christmas
tree. We had our tree up for only a couple weeks this was
taken down before Christmas even arrived. Cooper couldn't seem to stop
thinking the ornaments were toys and the candy canes were treats. I
would take them off the tree, or put them up higher, but Coop would
jump up and get them, the tree probably should have been knocked over
more than once. The day before I decided to take the tree down, Cooper
decided he was going to try to pull the garland off the tree...that
was my last straw. We are going to try the tree again next year...! He
acquired the nickname "The Grinch" over the holidays! ;) We will be in
touch when Cooper turns TWO!

!cid AC43EF30-DD31-4A81-8617-35A7FA24D930

!cid 221F8FFB-8FBE-40A7-80F2-2B6BE23D349B
I don't fit in my travel carrier anymore! I love it under the covers.
!cid 8749F0C9-17D3-4405-9AED-460F681A84CE  cid d7796edf-1d9a-4190-babe-b61a3652b8c5
Sticking my tongue out! Showing off my new trick, "Shake!"
!cid 87BE7380-C8FF-43F1-B7F3-E9D3E7782F1C !cid 348B1360-A74B-48A7-852E-84C2453EFD7B
I love running around and playing chase. I was sick with an ear infection in this picture. I laid under
the bed for three days. Mama brought me my favorite blankie
so I was more comfortable.
 !cid 221ABC31-72D4-4E02-955E-77AB7F65535F  !cid 424672A4-4C81-443B-B588-A96CC068DC7D
 Mom was working on homework. She got up and I took
her seat!
 Relaxing on the couch.
 !cid 3D212927-9400-4E69-9B14-A52D2BFA8365  !cid 9002C25C-63E8-4075-AAF3-B610C0D9F65D
Mom got the suitcase out to go to Wisconsin. I wasn't
letting her leave without me!
We drove 12 hours to Wisconsin!
 cid eac9ad21-bcab-4a4a-8cd5-6da0639f251a !cid C9AA51C5-1C8F-4FCF-B805-19CB9E9B18E2
It's hard work being this cute! I like to lay on the top of the couch and rest my head on top of my mama's.
We love our snuggle time!
!cid B312B1D9-8FA3-427A-A468-DF9550100EB9 !cid 238988EB-8D75-4C15-B1A6-2CD5053637BF
Attitude! No mama, I am not chewing on your new boots!
!cid D7B2EEF6-1B89-4A1D-A7C0-FFDA9DB0806C !cid 175BC606-3247-43A8-9DBB-1EA9ED6A03CC
I like to sleep like this sometimes. I unlocked the door to my crate with my nose, and decided
I wanted to relax in there. I don't spend much time in
my crate anymore because I am potty trained and I listen (most of the time!)

!cid B59D3353-C65E-4BD8-B4C8-7416B2365507

We have a couch and a love seat, but I thought it was
necessary to lay across them both to create my own little couch!

Hi Sherry!
I was just uploading some pictures of Cooper and realized we haven't sent you an email since Cooper's first birthday in April. We thought you might like some updated pictures of the precious baby! He is almost a year and a half old now, weighs 18.3 pounds, and is getting more mature, but still loves to play and act like a puppy! He is such a cuddle bug now! I love it! It is so nice to be able to lay on the couch with him without him squirming around thinking we are playing! He knows how to sit, shake, and lay down. We are working on rollover, but I think that one is going to take some time. He is just so cute and I am just so thankful for this little guy! You have no idea how much happiness he brings me:) We hope you are doing great, more pictures to come over the holidays!

UpDated 10-8-2012




        Cooper about a year ago! (Photo taken by Sherry) Cooper's first birthday! I had to put him on the counter,
show him a treat, and give him reddi-wip from the can
in order to get this picture! And yes, that's a Pooh Bear 1st
birthday party hat! He's spoiled rotten!

Hi Sherry!
Well, today is Cooper's first birthday! We wanted to send you this  picture to show you how big he's gotten in a year and to thank you for giving us this handsome little baby! It's hard to believe how much he  has grown up and changed in a year, and how fast the year went! I still remember when I picked him up and he had his puppy breath! I  will send you more pictures soon when I get them uploaded to my computer!
UpDated 4-16-2012



       Peeking out from under the covers!

          Taking a ride in the car with mom.



                  Happy Thanksgiving!

Merry Christmas! Mom had to hold a treat so
I would sit so nice in front of the tree :) I'm even
wearing my festive Christmas sweater!



I kept barking and barking at my crate, so
mom put a blanket up there...I jumped up there,
laid down, and decided to take a rest.

         Watching football with my daddy!


Hey Sherry!
We hope you had a great holiday season!  Cooper wanted me to send you  some of his favorite holiday pictures to show you how big and precious 
he is :) He is about 16 pounds now, and is still our little bundle of  joy. We had a little slip up with some paint recently...We had a can 
of open black paint sitting on a towel on our dining room table, and  Cooper jumped up and pulled the towel...and there went the can of 
black paint...on our light grey carpet! It was such a mess, but how  could we be mad when he is such a cutie? He has such a cute 
personality and his bark is getting really deep! One of his new  favorite obsessions is ice cubes. Every time he hears us getting ice, 
he runs to the kitchen and goes crazy! It's hard to believe he is  already 9 months old, it makes me sad that he is growing up so fast! 
Take care, we will send more pictures in a few months :)
UpDated 1-15-2012

Cooper1 Cooper2
I love my mommy! (This is one of mom's favorite
 pictures of me!)
I like to bark at mom and dad!
Cooper3 Cooper4
Sitting like a noble prince (So spoiled!) The stool is blocking the sun from my eyes while
I take a little afternoon nap.
Cooper5 Cooper6
Helping mom do some studying! These are my spiffy new teeth! Aren't they the cutest?

Hi Sherry!
I just wanted to give you another update on Cooper! :) He is 14 pounds  now and just got neutered two weeks ago. He's cute as ever these days 
(as you can see!) He's calmed down a lot over the past month or so and  is turning into a cuddle bug, which we love! But don't get me wrong, 
he still has a wild personality and loves to play. He is completely  potty trained now, which we are so happy about. He has all his adult 
teeth and still likes to chew on things he isn't suppose to chew on!  He loves to eat, especially his favorite treats-baby carrots! We just 
gave him a bath tonight, and come to find out-he LOVES them! This is the first time he's actually liked bath time. He was drinking water 
from the faucet the entire time-too cute! We do have to put a muzzle on him when we clean his ears and tie festive bandanas around his 
neck, but other than that he is a perfect handsome prince! We can't thank you enough for this little baby!
UpDated 10-25-2011






This is my favorite ducky!

When I don't have to ride in my car carrier, I get to sleep on the 
floor. I like to sleep like this or on my side!
IMG_1285 IMG_1298
This is one of my favorite places to toy basket! I might be a 
little to big to sit in there now!
Mom and dad put me in here on the way to the vet and when we go riding 
around in the car...I hate it in here!
IMG_1327 IMG_1341
I found a new cool place to hang out...under the kitchen sink! Mom 
get's mad at me when I sneak in here when she's not looking!
Me and my mom in Wisconsin!
IMG_1351 IMG_1358
When you handed me over to my new mom, I snuggled right behind her 
neck and slept most of the way to my new home like this...I tried to 
get up there and sit again, but I'm getting too big! Mom loves this 
picture of me!
Mom let me wake dad up this morning! Nothing like puppy kisses :)
IMG_1363 IMG_1344
One of my other favorite activities is to watch TV...I sit right here 
most of the time and watch whatever is on!
Aren't I handsome? This was before I took a nap after my long plane 
ride to Wisconsin!


Hi Sherry!
It's Heidi Martell, I just wanted to send you some pictures of cooper and let you know how he is doing. First of all, he has quite the 
personality...he's VERY brave! He likes to bark at his mom and dad  when we tell him "no!" (he doesn't take no for an answer...he thinks 
he rules the roost around here)...which in a way he does--we can't  help but spoil him! He can finally go up and down stairs...which is 
exciting to watch! We just took him to the vet because he just started dribbling (peeing) around the apartment, right after we take him 
outside to go potty, so we thought he had a bladder infection...the vet did tests and said it was other words, he's just 
being naughty!! He loves to eat treats, play with his 20 different toys (especially his ducky which is the size of himself!), and chew on 
everything in sight. He's been quite the traveling dog...I took him on the plane with me to Wisconsin and he was such a good boy! He loves 
riding in the car and taking long walks! He now weighs 9.6 pounds...he's getting SO big! Here are some pictures! :)

Cooper Parents was Dixie Lulu and Hershey


2013-02-19 20.31.29 2013-03-05 20.35.11
2013-03-17 05.11.18 IMG 20130423 083752
IMG 20130502 072145 IMG 20130514 192216

 Hi Sherry!
Here are some recent pictures of Cooper! I can hardly believe he 
turned TWO last month--TIME FLIES!--He's as sweet as ever and still 
puppy-like and full of energy! He takes my shoes (or whatever he knows 
he shouldn't have) and runs with them, wants to play nonstop, loves 
going for long walks, loves to cuddle, and take naps :) I love this 
little boy! We'll send you more pictures from our summer in a few 
months! Take care :)







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