Thursday, February 13, 2025
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Our Vet

Here at Sherry's Cockapoos we work closely with our vet to insure that all puppies are in excellent health to the best of our knowledge.

Our vet's name is Dr. Ashley Hill, D.V. M.
Irwin Animal Clinic
367 Sly Hill Road
Ocilla, Ga   31774

We will be working closely with our new vet Ashley and her staff to insure that all puppies are in excellent health to the best of our knowledge. 
All of my adult dogs are health checked and up to date on their shots.

The pictures below are our new vet Ashley Hill and some of her staff: Kim Ross, RVT, Candice Fletcher vet assistant and Dana Basso makes
appointments and takes your money

If you have any questions about the health of our adult dogs or puppies please feel free to call our vet she will be glad to talk to you.

Our goal is to produce healthy,happy,loving,smart and well socialized puppies.
Below are pictures and information on things our vet checks for when we take our puppies for their 6 week health check up. 
Below is pictures of our new vet and her staff.


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Checks Temperature - 100-102.5 is normal
Ashley our vet with Kim Ross her RVT

Heart Beat - A normal heart beat is from 50- 130 times
a minute.Your puppy heart rhythm is normal. 
Ashley our vet.
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Kim checking Fecal to make sure it is negative

Kim checking to make sure their is no parasites
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Checking Eyes-Making sure their eyes are bright and shiny that the
pink lining of the eyelids are not inflamed,swollen
and that the whites are not yellowish.
Ashley our vet vaccine the puppy with his 6 week shot
on the left hind limb. Candice Fletcher is Ashley vet assistant.
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Vaccine the puppy with her 6 week shot on the left hind limb. Vaccine the puppy with her 6 week shot on the left hind limb.
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Making sure she hears no heart murmur. She checks their ears to make sure the skin inside is light pink and clean
and there is no redness or swelling inside the ear.
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Checks Teeth and Gums makes sure gums are firm and pink. Weighing the puppies to see what each puppy weighs.
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At the vet fixing to get examination And of course paying Dana Basso my vet bill.
He also checks the following:

Coat: He makes sure that their coat is glossy and without dandruff, bald spots and no excessive oiliness.

Nose: Making sure their nose is cool and moist.

Weight: Puppies weigh is normal for their size and their stomach is not bloated or hard.

Worming: We worm our puppies at 3,4 & 6 weeks with vet wormier.

  Site and Contents property of Sherry's Poos.
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This site is owned by Amanda Stone Jernigan and maintained by
Amanda Stone Jernigan and Sherry Stone.
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Allcore Technology.
 We are not affiliated with any other breeders or sponsors.